Transitioning is the surgical treatment of a psychiatric disorder. Didn't we learn anything from lobotomy?

Under the guise of "enabling unhappy people to live as who they truly are," the pharmaceutical corporations and the McGender clinics and Surgery Kings are making vast amounts of money and doing lifelong harm to children far, far too young to decide such things. Only about one in a thousand of "late-onset trans" actually have GID; the rest are following a fad they picked up on social media.

The AAP is complicit in this, and anyone in the decision-making process or the operating room responsible for this deserves decades in prison.

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“Gender affirming care” is a euphemism that includes off label hormone use and child genital mutilation. As such, it should always be inside quotation marks.

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Medicine has always lived in the bleed between actual science and witchcraft. It’s no surprise that an industry which has single-handedly caused multiple crises, from outrageous insurance premiums and costs for care to this latest idiocy, is dragging its heels on applying scientific method to interventions for treating “gender dysphoric transgender children.” They have proven time and again that the Hippocratic Oath comes second to fees and funding. Their oath should be, “Do as little harm as possible while making the most money possible.” Funding, fees and fame and they’ll conspire to get what they want. Who is going to tell them they’re collectively wrong? They went to 4 years of medical school and 4-8 years of residency and internships, they’ll tell you! They published this and that, you’ll be sure to know. I’d rather take my chances with witches.

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Please, someone, examine the governing structures of these organizations, to see how they are suppressing contrary viewpoints. Most likely taken over by a minority of members. So many nonprofits are vulnerable to control by an activist clique

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This is a great article and shows why I think substack has the best reporting in the US right now.

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In laymen’s terms, “gender-affirming care” is child abuse. These kids who have “transitioned” will be physical and mental wrecks in 5-10 years.

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Jul 9, 2023·edited Jul 9, 2023

"they risk damaging their credibility and inflicting serious harm on the children they have a duty to care for." Absolutely. as 17,000+ minors in the us started hormones or puberty blockers in 2017-2021, and more have since, plus the over 18s who get them without ("informed consent") mental health evaluation....I'd say they've already harmed a lot of children and young people with their recommendations and refusal to look at the evidence.

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Thankyou. Please keep posting so we can share this very important information. I am setting up a new website to share. Will post the link when launched in 5 days.

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They already have damaged their credibility.

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"an innate and immutable “gender identity," despite the lack of empirical evidence to substantiate this view."

Not to split hairs or be pedantic, but almost by definition a subjective mental state is not a subject for empirical evidence. There never will be such evidence because there cannot be. Suzy Identifies as two spirited. It isn't precisely and empty signifier, it has the content of itself but with no referent to anything outside of itself, therefore the word 'empirical' does not apply.

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If the AAP weren't in the back pocket of the ESG/"transgender" cult leaders, they would be the very first organization to state that "transgenderism" is a stinking load of bunk.

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The things which do improve the wellbeing of children: real food, physical activity, play and socialisation in the real, not the virtual, world, bring no profit to paediatricians. Getting out the scalpel and the prescription pad does.

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As a long-time member of the AAP (dues paid by my Department) and perennial critic, I remain astonished and perplexed by the non-critical, highly destructive, and evidence-contradicting stances of both the AMA and AAP. I really do not understand. When these organizations came out with full-throated support of the Affordable Care Act years ago, I attributed those positions to the dominance of their Washington-based staff. However, the clinical realities of transgender care are so impactful and are putting lives at risk. I believe that far too many physicians are using devotion to their patients and work to defend their passivity on matters of COVID and transgender care. I have retired just over a year ago and have time to read and to comment. Physicians have lost a great deal of respect by their insularity and I do not know the solution.

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Support for genital mutilation based on a spurious medical rationalisation of magical practices is consistent with the AAP's stance on circumcision.

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Thank you. This explains things perfectly. The people running the AMA have a religious/philosophical belief in "affirmation" and are unwilling to subordinate that belief to any evidence to the contrary.

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Ideological piety and ethical, evidence-based medicine are entirely incompatible. Kids’ wellbeing and sanity are being sacrificed on the altar of clinicians’ docility in the face of professional coercion (in many cases) and, in others, the narcissistic, delusional desire to be seen as a saviour to “trans kids” (a mythical invention).

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