Transitioning is the surgical treatment of a psychiatric disorder. Didn't we learn anything from lobotomy?

Under the guise of "enabling unhappy people to live as who they truly are," the pharmaceutical corporations and the McGender clinics and Surgery Kings are making vast amounts of money and doing lifelong harm to children far, far too young to decide such things. Only about one in a thousand of "late-onset trans" actually have GID; the rest are following a fad they picked up on social media.

The AAP is complicit in this, and anyone in the decision-making process or the operating room responsible for this deserves decades in prison.

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Yes, all these ogres deserve prison! But money is what they love rather than children! I hate the term “gender affirming”! What a lie! It should be “gender mutilation”!


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“Gender affirming” is a distracting euphemism for child genital mutilation.

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We should call it what it is, "FGM", "female genital mutilation", universally condemned when practiced in third world settings. But Progressive surgeons? Well, that's a different matter!

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They aren't progressive, they're just unethical.

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FGM is where I got the idea for child genital mutilation since they now do it to boys, too. In many, if not most civilizations, this was done to boys to produce eunuchs. I don’t know if they got consent from 3-12 year-olds for that like they do now.

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Oh, I thought you might be referring to circumcision. A friend, now deceased, had a bug about it and would occasionally lapse into rant mode . He had a couple of quirks, all harmless.

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The relatively few people who "actually have GID," have a serious mental disorder and should be treated with psychotherapy -- not drugs, surgeries, or pronouns.

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I agree with this wholeheartedly. I don't think anyone should have to go through the dangerous surgeries and drugs, whether they've had GID since childhood or a kid that has so-called "rapid onset.". Everyone should learn to be--at the very least--accepting of the reality that they can't just change their chromosomes. It's just not scientifically possible and probably never will be.

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Late onset is not real.

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Even worse: "PCGD" - post conviction GD. Women's prisons supposed to be a little easier time.

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There seems to be a small number who have a positive outcome from transitioning as adults (and avoiding genital surgery). These are people, such as Buck Angel and Blaire White, who felt odd in a dysphoric way from early childhood. They are among the most passionate objectors to pediatric transition (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8GtmWxKbO8).

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Buck Angel -- that's your positive outcome??? Do you even know what "Buck" Angel is? She's a porn star who earns her living doing truly unspeakable things. Watch the following video at your own risk. Yuck!!!


Blaire White is a maladjusted man and will remain a maladjusted man regardless of the eyelashes he glues to his eyelids or the health destroying poisons he pumps through his body.

There is nothing positive or wholesome about these two characters. They're a freak show. And it's revolting that children and adults are being indoctrinated to follow in their footsteps.

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I've learned that Buck Angel was a porn actor (briefly alluded to in the podcast with Blaire White I linked above). Personally, I find porn generally aversive, but it seems to appeal to many, despite being problematic for teens and anyone obsessed with it. But as with many who identify as trans, whether from early childhood or later, a dysfunctional upbringing results in serious mental health problems. Rather than denouncing White and Angel as "a freak show", it's reasonable to recognize the dysphoria and to acknowledge their efforts to counter ideological transgenderism and especially pediatric medical "gender affirmation".

Although I watched only the first few minutes, the debate "Charlie Kirk Vs. Transsexual Buck Angel" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Imr0K7_q0iM) seems to be a calm, rational discussion. As both Buck and Blaire acknowledge, their biological sex and genitals are unchanged, but they now present in a way that is much more comfortable for them. I can't detect the indoctrination that you claim. Rather, their message emphasizes caution and the need for treating mental health issues.

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So you not only support the "gender" side show, you also approve of porn. I see. Case closed.

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You've completely misconstrued what I wrote. Gender theory and transgenderism (an ideology) are perverse and damaging in every way. But true transsexuals, who have quietly and as adults chosen cross-sex hormones, are rare. It's the "affirmers" encouraging transition (or simply self-ID) who are the main problem. "Affirming" pediatricians and child psychologists are especially damaging.

I don't know what you mean by "approve of porn". I don't like it, but I live in the real world where it has long existed.

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Lobotomies, epilepsy "surgeries", etc.

This is entire societal issue, stemming from issues as simple as homophobia to as philosophical as searching for eternal happiness.

Funny thing, is that this issue has an easy fix: leave people alone, stop telling them they're broken, stop warping their sense of reality, and trust real science/history.

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Epilepsy surgery: severing corpus callosum sounds draconian but affords substantial relief from seizures at a fairly low cost to the patient's mind.

It is however fascinating because afterward the patient sort of has two functioning minds (don't run with this, I'm expressing it pretty sloppily). He can grasp something hidden in one hand and be unable to name it.

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This is usually a last-resort effort because it there's a steep learning curve after the surgery, in other words, you do have to relearn a lot of skills such as walking. It CAN be very beneficial, however.

The surgeries I'm referring to are things like drilling holes into people's heads to get the scary epilepsy demons out.

There's an Unherd article (https://unherd.com/2023/07/doctors-have-failed-detransitioners/) that explains my analogy in pretty standard terms.

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I would go back to DSM 4, where most who wanted surgery were denied it.

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My point isn't that doctors were quick to give risky surgeries to epileptics (in fact, it's actually a good thing they were cautious with it).

My point is that there have always been doctors (or in the case of lobotomies, random people who aren't even surgeons) that have come up with "cures" that range from ridiculous to questionable to downright evil, all of which have little or no backing in science. Many "cures" for epilepsy fall into these categories, as have other "cures" for conditions real, fake, and entirely misunderstood (e.g., nerve cures for hysteria, the whole forgotten memory fad, etc.).

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It’s also a matter of the medical industry astroturfing a plausibly deniable marketing strategy that colludes with Munchausen parents $$$$

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Munchausen parents are the scum of the earth. It's one thing when a kid is gaslit by social media and their peers, it's another thing when the person you trust the most--your parent--brainwashes you since you were a child.

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“Gender affirming care” is a euphemism that includes off label hormone use and child genital mutilation. As such, it should always be inside quotation marks.

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As should "trans," since

1) 99.9% of them do not have GID

2) it deliberately mixes "transvestite" and "transgender"

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And because "transitioning" the sex of a mammal is impossible.

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Most of them are not committed enough to get hormones and surgery, they just put on lipstick and lecture people about their goddamn pronouns.

A lot of men keep their —ugh—beards.

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Medicine has always lived in the bleed between actual science and witchcraft. It’s no surprise that an industry which has single-handedly caused multiple crises, from outrageous insurance premiums and costs for care to this latest idiocy, is dragging its heels on applying scientific method to interventions for treating “gender dysphoric transgender children.” They have proven time and again that the Hippocratic Oath comes second to fees and funding. Their oath should be, “Do as little harm as possible while making the most money possible.” Funding, fees and fame and they’ll conspire to get what they want. Who is going to tell them they’re collectively wrong? They went to 4 years of medical school and 4-8 years of residency and internships, they’ll tell you! They published this and that, you’ll be sure to know. I’d rather take my chances with witches.

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This is happening even in countries with socialized medicine. I was shocked to learn within the last year that the health plan of my province, Ontario, Canada, pays for double mastectomies for "gender affirmation". I suppose that fees are in the picture, but it seems that adoption of the ideology is the real driver.

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It’s happening, yes, but at nowhere near the rate per capita of the US. In Canada, you will need to wait much longer to get these “treatments,” and likely years for the surgical mutilations. The adoption of the ideology will go insofar as big pharma and big med are able to make lifelong patients. Much harder to do in Europe and even Canada. The question I have asked about the United States problem is how have insurance companies not rallied against all of this? I worked insurance in my younger days and getting approval or even paid for certain procedures was nigh impossible. Insurance would constantly lobby and fight for changes to what was necessary and what was elective. This is something I never thought possible.

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Please, someone, examine the governing structures of these organizations, to see how they are suppressing contrary viewpoints. Most likely taken over by a minority of members. So many nonprofits are vulnerable to control by an activist clique

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This is a great article and shows why I think substack has the best reporting in the US right now.

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The smartest thing the radical trans ideologues did was to fasten themselves as a parasite on an existing movement for equality and civil rights, all as suggested in the political strategy provided by a major London law firm. The Spectator has the receipts:


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In laymen’s terms, “gender-affirming care” is child abuse. These kids who have “transitioned” will be physical and mental wrecks in 5-10 years.

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"they risk damaging their credibility and inflicting serious harm on the children they have a duty to care for." Absolutely. as 17,000+ minors in the us started hormones or puberty blockers in 2017-2021, and more have since, plus the over 18s who get them without ("informed consent") mental health evaluation....I'd say they've already harmed a lot of children and young people with their recommendations and refusal to look at the evidence.

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Thankyou. Please keep posting so we can share this very important information. I am setting up a new website to share. Will post the link when launched in 5 days.

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They already have damaged their credibility.

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The whole trans cult is based on lies! Trump could learn from them...even though he’s good at lying, but he hasn’t pulled the wool over as many people’s eyes as the trans cult has!

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I now have far less respect for doctors and the medical industry than I did five years ago before "transgenderism" reared its ugly head.

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Look at comments on Medscape and you will see the vast majority of physicians are against child genital mutilation as well as off label use of hormones on children. This is the usual small “woke” clique that uses threats and name-calling to control the agenda in many non medical areas.

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Yes. Those cliques do immeasurable harm to doctors, children, and our whole society.

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Me too. Between the flippity flopping on pandemic policies, questions and censorship surrounding the vaccine and “gender affirmation,” I’ve come to the realization that Western medicine engages in magical sleight of hand or smoke and mirrors practices and relies heavily on fear to motivate people to obey protocols.

Get the vaccine or you will die! Get the vaccine or you will spread disease and kill countless innocent people! Trans your gender confused child or they will commit suicide! Trans your child or you will be labeled a child abuser by the pediatrician who knows better than you! Trans your child or lose custody! Get this test for cancer every year or you might die! Get a mammogram every year after age 40 even though studies show we should abandon this practice! Ignore the studies because we’re gonna create counter studies! Do you wanna lie in bed every night wondering if you have cancer? Thalidomide babies were just a glitch, medicine is absolutely not hijacked by insurance companies and the pharmaceutical industry. Anyone that thinks so needs a frontal lobotomy.

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Yes. Medicine has become much more of a scam than it was when I was young (and I'm 70). I believe the turning point came when drug companies were finally allowed to advertise directly to consumers. Then all hell broke loose.

The mammogram scam is a complete disgrace and is pushed big time by the medical products manufacturers and the rest of the medical industrial complex. Do you remember a few years ago, when we were all bombarded with pink ribbons and massive amounts of breast cancer propaganda every October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. That has actually died down to a point where it's barely perceptible. I used to write dozens of comments in the NY Times (it wasn't so woke back then) telling women about the risks and dangers of overdiagnosis which I learned from Dr. Gilbert Welch's excellent book, Overdiagnosis. Some of my comments may actually have done some good.

Today, it's unconscionable that physicians and surgeons, who presumably went into medicine because they were at least somewhat motivated to improve people's health, stand by silently when tens of thousands of children and young adults are placed on an assembly line that leads to wrong sex hormones, mutilating surgeries, a lifetime of suffering, and a shortened life expectancy.

How can these doctors live with themselves when they are completely aware of the harm being done to tens or hundreds of thousands of children and adults in their care. I understand why doctors who must work for a living are reluctant to speak out. But retired doctors should be able to band together and express their outrage using the strongest possible language because the "transgender care" in all its forms is the grossest possible violation of the Hippocratic Oath.

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Yes, I remember the ribbons!!! And I think most women know at least one woman that’s undergone a pointless breast biopsy.

As for doctors that stay silent about the medical atrocity that’s euphemistically called “gender affirmation” I believe this to be a complete betrayal of medicine. I understand diffusion of responsibility and the need to preserve one’s career, etc. However, there has been no effective or organized counter-movement within the medical community.

For this reason, I don’t believe that the medical establishment will ever regain its stature or respect: particularly pediatrics, endocrinology, psychiatry, etc.

Therapy has also fallen into a state of disrepute for adopting gender anffirmation, using the excuse of “conversion therapy” to not do the job of helping dysphoric and troubled youth and for woke guidelines that are offensive to boys and men.


Society is betrayed. We must seek practitioners that are competent and trustworthy, a difficult task.

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Yes. When it comes to medical care and therapy, it's enter at your own peril.

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It’s not just transgenderism. Combined with the medical experimentation masquerading as “safe and effective” COVID-19 vaccines, the medical establishment has torpedoed its credibility. It will take decades (or longer) to recover.

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Unfortunately, many -- perhaps most -- have limited their information sources to the "official" ones engaging in propaganda. I have educated people in my immediate family who are determinedly limited in this way, refusing to value any contrary information.

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"an innate and immutable “gender identity," despite the lack of empirical evidence to substantiate this view."

Not to split hairs or be pedantic, but almost by definition a subjective mental state is not a subject for empirical evidence. There never will be such evidence because there cannot be. Suzy Identifies as two spirited. It isn't precisely and empty signifier, it has the content of itself but with no referent to anything outside of itself, therefore the word 'empirical' does not apply.

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That’s a very good point. Things like a “gender identity” are unfalsifiable and unprovable, much like other religious notions.

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Exactly! It can never be confirmed or disproven. As such, it's the furthest thing possible from a scientific idea.

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If the AAP weren't in the back pocket of the ESG/"transgender" cult leaders, they would be the very first organization to state that "transgenderism" is a stinking load of bunk.

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The things which do improve the wellbeing of children: real food, physical activity, play and socialisation in the real, not the virtual, world, bring no profit to paediatricians. Getting out the scalpel and the prescription pad does.

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As a long-time member of the AAP (dues paid by my Department) and perennial critic, I remain astonished and perplexed by the non-critical, highly destructive, and evidence-contradicting stances of both the AMA and AAP. I really do not understand. When these organizations came out with full-throated support of the Affordable Care Act years ago, I attributed those positions to the dominance of their Washington-based staff. However, the clinical realities of transgender care are so impactful and are putting lives at risk. I believe that far too many physicians are using devotion to their patients and work to defend their passivity on matters of COVID and transgender care. I have retired just over a year ago and have time to read and to comment. Physicians have lost a great deal of respect by their insularity and I do not know the solution.

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Support for genital mutilation based on a spurious medical rationalisation of magical practices is consistent with the AAP's stance on circumcision.

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Thank you. This explains things perfectly. The people running the AMA have a religious/philosophical belief in "affirmation" and are unwilling to subordinate that belief to any evidence to the contrary.

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Ideological piety and ethical, evidence-based medicine are entirely incompatible. Kids’ wellbeing and sanity are being sacrificed on the altar of clinicians’ docility in the face of professional coercion (in many cases) and, in others, the narcissistic, delusional desire to be seen as a saviour to “trans kids” (a mythical invention).

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