California IS a grim place, especially post-COVID and especially in the big cities. We left July 2020 after 25 years to an Austin suburb. It was important for us to have our children physically in school (in person). Most people in California are unaware of their own situation - they are in denial about the dystopia that they've come to accept as normal. Its normal to feel unsafe in a park in LA. Its normal to have homeless follow you around in a grocery store and harass you. Its normal to see people doing drugs in the street. Congrats on your move - and no - its not a privilege to move (as many people will say to you) - its a decision.
I can’t speak for the author, and can only guess her personal motives, but I am a female and sometimes I feel better able to relate to the lived experiences of females. (That is not always the case, however.)And in general, women out in public, alone, are seen more as “prey”. I suspect that women who are on the street due to homelessness are in an even more vulnerable position.
As a native Tennessean, for the love of everything holy, please do your best to assimilate. It's not enough to simply vote conservative. Embrace being a Tennessean:
Do not honk. Say y'all. Wave. Be friendly. Slow down. Pull for our teams. Don't curse loudly in public.
As much as we don't want liberal politics, we don't want California culture either.
This guy doesn’t represent us in Middle Tennessee. As a native Tennessean, we say Welcome!!! Pull up a chair! Pull for whatever teams you want to!! Honk when some redneck idiot thinks he is Dale Earnhardt Jr and cuts you off! Don’t fake a southern accent unless you want to! Curse loudly at racists if you need to! Don’t let him fool you: most of us love California Culture. Many of us wear Vans, and dream of surfing. As far as politics, Nashville is a melting pot and some old locals may not like that. To them I say… too late. I’m a Reagan Republican turned Libertarian when the GOP under the Bushes showed that they love war as much as the Clintons. Whatever you are, we are in agreement that Cali is now a wonderful place to visit but TN is Home. Again, Welcome!!!
also apparently she has been too busy to monitor this newsletter which has naturally attracted extremists of the sort at least in the other iterations i have viewed who suspect her loyalties lie with their own due to her activism around the supposed "Tranish Inquisition".
Apocalypse Never is what i got out of this little diversion as i have an open mind.....i also have a transgender nephew who checks a few of her boxes for sure and am always seeking to learn more....his transition like many others i sense was for the best ie him and his family....go is complex......she should read these comments and give feedback...the fact she does NOT troubles me somehow. no doubt this newsletter has been canned for the book which will get more views and thats fine but theres alot to be said for tending, caring for the small things.....
We moved in 2018/19 after 60 years in So California. Born and raised. It was a tough decision, but the government in my State made it easier. Yes, in denial. I will always love California. At least I can say we had her in her best years. We moved to beautiful Aiken, SC. Wish you the best in Tennesse. Also a beautiful state!
Congratulations on your escape, now get entrenched and buy property as soon as you possibly can.
The migration into California, both of people and of capital, is what made it what it has become. The corrupted legislature and executive branch of the state will continue to import more people and more capital, which then forces those already living here to migrate out of the state.
It's the same story with intra-migration; population pressure causes increased demand in areas where there are income opportunities, those with equity extract it and dominate the markets within lower-cost areas, those whose ability to stay in place are forced to migrate and the cycle repeats itself endlessly.
Your escape from this paradigm is entirely understandable, wise, even but make no mistake; you are increasing demand in the area to which you just moved. If you don't want to find yourself unable to remain in place when you're older and weakened, entrench now, and remember your compassion for those who could not master the competition for perennially-scarce resources.
All eyes are on the urban blight in California, but that's only part of the story. In the exurban areas, those who are entrenched are still living their prosperous and comfortable lives, and accumulating even more wealth as the result of a hyperinflation that benefits the rentier classes.
This is the simple praxis of economics. It is amoral, and those who fail to understand it will take their displacement when it is imposed on them. Baffled and inchoate, they become the sustenance of the entrenched.
So very well-written, thank you. Your interview on Glenn Greenwald on Rumble was inspirational, delightful, informative and courageous. Thank you again
California IS a grim place, especially post-COVID and especially in the big cities. We left July 2020 after 25 years to an Austin suburb. It was important for us to have our children physically in school (in person). Most people in California are unaware of their own situation - they are in denial about the dystopia that they've come to accept as normal. Its normal to feel unsafe in a park in LA. Its normal to have homeless follow you around in a grocery store and harass you. Its normal to see people doing drugs in the street. Congrats on your move - and no - its not a privilege to move (as many people will say to you) - its a decision.
Why do you feel more inclined to give money to homeless women than men?
I can’t speak for the author, and can only guess her personal motives, but I am a female and sometimes I feel better able to relate to the lived experiences of females. (That is not always the case, however.)And in general, women out in public, alone, are seen more as “prey”. I suspect that women who are on the street due to homelessness are in an even more vulnerable position.
Agreed. Pretty sexist I think
let's call it tampon money. does that make you feel better about what someone else does with their money?
I sincerely doubt those slobs bother with tampons
C’mon. Most women of menstruating age need and use tampons or pads.
As a native Tennessean, for the love of everything holy, please do your best to assimilate. It's not enough to simply vote conservative. Embrace being a Tennessean:
Do not honk. Say y'all. Wave. Be friendly. Slow down. Pull for our teams. Don't curse loudly in public.
As much as we don't want liberal politics, we don't want California culture either.
This guy doesn’t represent us in Middle Tennessee. As a native Tennessean, we say Welcome!!! Pull up a chair! Pull for whatever teams you want to!! Honk when some redneck idiot thinks he is Dale Earnhardt Jr and cuts you off! Don’t fake a southern accent unless you want to! Curse loudly at racists if you need to! Don’t let him fool you: most of us love California Culture. Many of us wear Vans, and dream of surfing. As far as politics, Nashville is a melting pot and some old locals may not like that. To them I say… too late. I’m a Reagan Republican turned Libertarian when the GOP under the Bushes showed that they love war as much as the Clintons. Whatever you are, we are in agreement that Cali is now a wonderful place to visit but TN is Home. Again, Welcome!!!
Keep it coming antiwoke Californians. Phase out the southern accent. Make the south Whiter and more European.
If you’re still registered in CA, you CAN vote for Michael via mail in ballot…..and you should for the sake of those you left behind.
You had the resources to leave a politically gridlocked state that is failing its citizens.
also apparently she has been too busy to monitor this newsletter which has naturally attracted extremists of the sort at least in the other iterations i have viewed who suspect her loyalties lie with their own due to her activism around the supposed "Tranish Inquisition".
Apocalypse Never is what i got out of this little diversion as i have an open mind.....i also have a transgender nephew who checks a few of her boxes for sure and am always seeking to learn more....his transition like many others i sense was for the best ie him and his family....go is complex......she should read these comments and give feedback...the fact she does NOT troubles me somehow. no doubt this newsletter has been canned for the book which will get more views and thats fine but theres alot to be said for tending, caring for the small things.....
Go back. Nobody wants you.
My wife daughter and I have a similar story leaving Toronto for Naples FL. It’s been so refreshing and good for the soul! Especially for our daughter.
Congratulations! Enjoy life, its short. The glass is always half full on the other side of the fence or something.
We moved in 2018/19 after 60 years in So California. Born and raised. It was a tough decision, but the government in my State made it easier. Yes, in denial. I will always love California. At least I can say we had her in her best years. We moved to beautiful Aiken, SC. Wish you the best in Tennesse. Also a beautiful state!
Congratulations on your escape, now get entrenched and buy property as soon as you possibly can.
The migration into California, both of people and of capital, is what made it what it has become. The corrupted legislature and executive branch of the state will continue to import more people and more capital, which then forces those already living here to migrate out of the state.
It's the same story with intra-migration; population pressure causes increased demand in areas where there are income opportunities, those with equity extract it and dominate the markets within lower-cost areas, those whose ability to stay in place are forced to migrate and the cycle repeats itself endlessly.
Your escape from this paradigm is entirely understandable, wise, even but make no mistake; you are increasing demand in the area to which you just moved. If you don't want to find yourself unable to remain in place when you're older and weakened, entrench now, and remember your compassion for those who could not master the competition for perennially-scarce resources.
All eyes are on the urban blight in California, but that's only part of the story. In the exurban areas, those who are entrenched are still living their prosperous and comfortable lives, and accumulating even more wealth as the result of a hyperinflation that benefits the rentier classes.
This is the simple praxis of economics. It is amoral, and those who fail to understand it will take their displacement when it is imposed on them. Baffled and inchoate, they become the sustenance of the entrenched.
Welcome to Tennessee! Make sure you visit the Smokey Mountains and East Tennessee.
So very well-written, thank you. Your interview on Glenn Greenwald on Rumble was inspirational, delightful, informative and courageous. Thank you again
enjoyed reading !! happy future :)
Let’s hope your chipmunks in LA are still being taken care of by someone else.
Enjoyed reading. It painted a grim picture.
Enjoy Tennessee.