Not a real Dr. So take with a kg of salt. This seems like a case of Munchausen by Proxy. See https://www.verywellmind.com/munchausen-by-proxy-5071840 for more info. Its a "disorder" imposed on another by a caretaker.

Again, not a medical opinion, as I cannot have one. But it fits.

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“I’m not a doctor, but this looks like x, but I’m not a doctor, but this looks just like x, but I have no education or legitimacy to diagnose someone, but this looks like x.”

I’m not a doctor, so take this with just a gram of salt, but you sound anxious and judgmental.

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This was an absolute excellent article! Hit the nail on the head and I would love to know how much these pharma companies are making off this scam.

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The girl could have had a bog-standard childhood - but first, let's break the father-daughter bond and get the father off the scene because he's inconvenient. Next step, separate child from mother and make an 'affirming therapist' to take over the mother role. Family unit destroyed, the child is now in the clutches of the cult. Also, sexualise the girl's crushes when there's nothing sexual at that age about admiring or wanting to emulate their peers of either sex. This is all about creating problems where none existed, so that these 'experts' can fix them. It's awful.

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I hope dad can step in and take control before this cult swallows his daughter.

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Jeez, I'm surprised you could even stand to write this nonsense... smh

It looks like you are good writers, but this was a waste of your time and effort.

Not only are you being openly transphobic, but I also don't see any cited sources for these "statements".

Good luck in your writings, but in the long run, it would be better to have a more neutral stance in these topics.

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Lol, anything against the narrative is whatever-phobic. Take your self righteous BS elsewhere.

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If anything this article wasn't transphobic enough. Don't confuse embracing mental illness and encouraging permanent physical and emotional changes to children as being compassionate.

This mother clearly has mental issues as well as she has to seek the approval of strangers online by being an "ally" and doing so on Facebook to further garner attention from friends and family.

The mother's instability is reflected in her daughter who is clearly taking an interest in the same things as the boy she has a crush on. Her daughter has given up her interests and preferences to get approval from the boy she has a crush on (seeking approval from others just as she has learned from mom). After reading books about other children changing their gender what would a reasonable person anticipate happening next?

My daughter wanted to be a mermaid when she was 3. I didn't sew her legs together and feed her mackerel.

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I disagree with your third paragraph. Kids are impressionable as ever, especially at age 7, and take on trends that come and go to fit in, only to move on to something else. It’s very likely the daughter could lose interest in her crush in a month or less. Kids jump from trend to trend in a flash, especially that young. Has nothing to do with the mom pushing gender ideology on the kid which is the real story here.

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There is nothing "neutral" about abusing a 7 year old.

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You may want to talk to trans activists about how they made the term “transphobic” a useless nonword. 7 year olds don’t know their “gender identity”. Trust me, I was a gender nonconforming child and this reads like objective insanity and munchausen by proxy to me.

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I see linked sources in this piece. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Facebook posts don’t qualify as reputable sources. This blog is trash.

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dO yOU evEn haVE a souRCe for tHAt?

Only sources that agree with my psychotic views are reputable.

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Reputable is not the standard. This is a case study analysis, which is an important aspect of studying and researching any issue.

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My husband just met a young lady

At 14 She was confused about wanting to be a boy

She transed over to a boy

Now she is older she realizes that she made a mistake

Now she is back to being a lady and she is sharing her story about why NOT TO DO THIS TO CHILDREN

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I'm glad the mom didn't start the poor daughter on high doses of melanin when she told her she wanted to be black. What a pitiful fruitcake of a woke mom.

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You should not conceal the mom's identity. The mom is a predator and should not be given anonymity. That last part of the article where the mom said that her 7 year old daughter "really likes playing with my boobs" should land that woman in jail and put her on the sex offender registry. She should be treated exactly the same way we would treat a man says his 7-year-old child "really likes playing with my dick".

Unless you're a breast feeding infant, you shouldn't be playing with your mom's boobs. There is no innocent reason for a 7 year old to be doing that. This is sexual abuse, and the mother needs to be held accountable for it.

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It’s most concerning how much this mother CARES about being seen as “supportive” to strangers online. Not only in seeking advice, but in her apologies for using language (she vs he) that the group disapproves of. It’s your kid, refer to them how you want— why bend over backwards to please these random people on the internet? She is more concerned with pleasing these people than actually helping her daughter not be confused. So very, very sad.

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The mother (and some of the group members) sound made up.

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They're not.

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Colin Wright is using the phrase "gay conversion therapy" with sensationalism. The implied use here is far from the history of this very controversial therapy. Gay Conversation therapy is not accepted and many states within the US have protections for minors against this form of reparative therapy.

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Yikies on bikies. You know you're transphobic when:

You state that identifying as transgender is a psychological disorder. It is not; I believe you're thinking of gender dysphoria, and entirely different mental phenomenon.

You have cited StatsforGender.org, which is a front for GenSpect Unheard, a podcast for those who share transphobic or anti-transgender ideas.

The point: you're not journalistic, and though I'm not sure if you're trying to be journalistic, your behavior is that of a propagandist.

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This blog links to other blogs written by the same author, deliberately not being journalistic whatsoever.

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Jul 6, 2022
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About what? Nietzsche had several philosophies; be specific if you're going to be pedantic.

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Jul 19, 2022
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Hmm... I think you need to go back to read your spark notes. Nietzsche did not talk about God as in a god he believed in; Nietzsche philosophized that Christianity at large was crumbling because the God within that religion was unbelievable in postmodern times due to pieces of Christianity being shed through time, ultimately saying that re-constructing the forgotten morals (i.e., slavery) would be more harmful than questioning the morals of a godless society.

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Literally, Nietzsche was arguing that we do not need to live in a Christian society to have morals and that philosophy and science are capable of guiding us. Now, whether or not you, Theophilus Max, agree? I really don't care.

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